At the bottom of the page is a collection of 38 global education themed D&D scenarios and methodology that was developed in 2 EU funded Erasmus+ projects “(D&D)2 – Using Dungeons and Dragons as a tool for discourse and dialogue” and “D&DGE – The adventurous approach to global education”. The scenarios and other materials are available to download and play for anyone, but protected by a Creative Commons license.
Even if you’re not an avid D&D player – you’ve got this! You’ll find all the resources you need to start playing right here.
Look at this research if you want to see what kinds of competences you can gain through playing D&D that help you with getting a job!
What even is D&D?
Check out this video, it explains it perfectly!
How to play?
Best is to get involved in a game with someone who already knows how to play. Otherwise take a look at the Dungeon Master’s guide. It has all the instructions on how to be a great and fair storyteller for your group. Or you can have a look at a video we made that will help you.
Characters for your players
All scenarios in the library tell you what level of characters the scenario is made for. As you are beginning to lead games, stick to those guidelines. As you grow more experienced you will learn how to adapt scenarios to different levels as you go.
The Player’s Handbook has detailed instructions on how to create your own characters, but that can take a while. So you can find pre-made character sheets online or specifically here. However for some age groups these sheets are too complicated so you can find some simplified characters with only vital information in the library below.
Every character in D&D has a Race, Class, Alignment and Attributes. See what they are all about below.

“D&DGE: the adventurous approach to global education” methodology by Društvo D20, financed by Erasmus+ is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
The library
We know not everyone has 18 hours to play D&D in educational settings. This is why we made the method modular, so it can adapt to your time constraints! There are scenarios that are as short as 45 min with preparation and reflection included. You can mix and match different topics just like it’s done in the 6 scenario campaign. Read through it and you’ll see your participants can become an adventuring party going on various quests while you adapt the length of the adventure. Imagine encounters like bite size episodes of a TV show and the campaign a very long film. If you treat your sessions as a TV show you can add as many episodes at different times when you get your group together.
Name | Description | Download | File Size | ||
D&DGE | |||||
Methodology | |||||
Campaign (18+hours) | |||||
Scenarios (3+ hours) | |||||
Encounters (under 1 hour) | |||||
No files found in this folder. |

“D&DGE: the adventurous approach to global education” methodology by Društvo D20, financed by Erasmus+ is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
Want to make your own scenarios?
You can let your imagination run wild and create scenarios that suit the topics you want to address. All you need is in the Dungeon Master’s guide, Player’s Handbook and Monster Manual. In that case, we’d love to see and play them as well, so send them our way at 😉